Saturday, October 16, 2010

"the sweet life"

these are the first of "the sweet life" cupcakes, I will update weekly with improvements in the decorations! I will keep practising..... I am not sure which I love the most, the baking, photography and still to come... the eating!


  1. they look absolutely delicious, could do with one right now.

  2. oh yum!! they look perfect..and they definitely wouldn't last long in our house! x

  3. Mouthwatering, is the thing that comes to mind when I saw your photos, and I think I would love the eating part, but then again I do have a sweet toth!

  4. i hope when you come to new zealand you will make some
    when you come love you lots of love anika

  5. of course I will, love you lots too xxxxxxx
